Monday, November 12, 2012

Facts about Mario......things you may want to know.

As you consider bringing in a new dog or puppy into your family you probably have a lot of questions. So here is an attempt to answer some of the most common questions.

Q. What Breed is Mario?
A. We are not sure what he is, we like to refer to him as a super mutt.  Because he came from a rescue in Ohio and as far as we know was just dropped off at the shelter there is no way for us to know.

Q. How big will he get?
A. Again, we are not really sure since we don't know how big his parents were or what kind of breed he is.  We can make a guess based on the size he is now, which is about 39 pounds at 6 months old, but again no one really knows.

Q. Is he housebroken?
A. Mario is doing really well in this area.  He hasn't had any pee pee accidents at our home and never goes in his crate.  He isn't perfect yet and will need some time to adjust to his new home but with lots of rewards and praise he will figure out right away where the right place to go is.

Q. Is he crate trained?
A. Mario is crated at night and during the day when no one is home.  He does cry at first but soon settles down.  Crate training is a great way to keep both your puppy and your home safe when you aren't able to be with them.  Mario is well on his way.

Q. Is he good with small children?
A. Right now he is in a home with a 6 and 8 year old and he is awesome.  They hug him, kiss him, and
give him lots of attention and he eats it up.

Q. Is he okay with other animals?
A. He loves other dogs and is very social.  His last home also had cats and I think he was fine with them as well.

Mario is back!

We are so glad that Mario (from the Buckeye Five litter) is staying with us again.  He is an amazing puppy and a total joy.  At 6 months old he has grown so much. He loves playing with our two dogs and gets along great with our kids.  I named the blog Mellow Mario because that's how I would describe him in one word.  He is a little lover and just wants to be a part of the pack, following us wherever we go.

Here he is at 6-8 weeks old when we had him over the Summer.

And here he is today at about 6 months old.

Here he is featured with our Cocker Spaniel mix. I think someone blinked!

Here he is with both our dogs (his new best friends.)